Kulen Water (Siem Reap -Cambodia)

Leaving from Hotel by AC Car around 8:00AM in the morning. we going to see Big water fall on top of big mountain in Siem Reap Province-Cambodia, Over there also has Big Buddha that Buddhism people in Cambodia praying. That Mountain We call Kulen Mountain. Under river is all rock, during Angkorian our Khmer King was carving Linga more than 1000 under water. 
Second Water Fall (Kunlen Mountain)
All water is flowing down to river side in City of Siem Reap that we call Siem Reap River. Cambodia People is believes that water can make you get of from illness or sometime they trust that can treat the disease for them also. 
Status Buhdda

1000Linga under river of Kulen Waterfall

 Otherwise when we waking up to throw into jungle on the top of that has pagoda, that has Big Statues of Buddha. We could pray for our safe and peaces. 
Water Fall First Floor of Kulen Moutain


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