Adventage Of Honey: Cambodia

Honey is a special and unique product taken from beehives that the bee's families eat pollen flowers tree in the natural forest. The best quality and good flavor of honey can be produced in dry season. Honey contains a high content of protein substance, sweet and good flavored used as a human food and effective remedy. Honey can be use for medicine also. All family should be have a bottle of honey keep in your home. Because of honey never die, If you are keeping long it will more qulity for using.
The best way that you can use by own with honey as midichine while you poisoning plants that stick with vegetable and you making food or for using your beauty..

If you need the real honey with 100% please contact to wholsale/retailer: NO.18, Phsar Sen Monrom Village, Mondol Kiri Province. Tel 012 540 844 | 012 290 404 | 011505 562 (this contact i catch from website Cambodia Top 10 Product by Ministry Commerce)


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